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World-Class Membership
The membership base of the New Business Ecosystem NBE is composed of five components. Those being:
1) Registered securities reps that also hold insurance licenses
2) Mutual fund families and similar institutions who market their products through registered reps
3) Investment banks and broker dealers who actively service the trading and custodial needs of large institutions such as mutual funds, pension funds, and insurance companies.
4) Corporate issuer clients who are in need of funding and seeking to sell securities.
5) Client Participants are members of the general public who are supporters of the VBC and would like to be paired with highly capable financial professionals to service their various needs.
Participation in the NBE brings immense economic benefits to those responsive financial professionals in the field along with others who actively participate.
Registered reps who participate in the NBE will be allowed to write big ticket business on a regular basis. There will be little if any barriers to capturing the assigned business. Transactions such as key man insurance, buy sell insurance, estate funding policies, and group employee benefits planning are among the areas where participating reps can readily capture new business.
To put things in perspective, in a recent annual meeting of a 50+ year old large nationally recognized firm with well over 1,000 reps in attendance the president touted a transaction by one of their agents that was the largest in their firms history. He touted this transaction in an effort to motivate the sales force.
In comparison an agent will find the typical size case within the NBE will many times yield more commissions for a participating agent than the case that was touted by the president at the firm’s annual meeting.
This is very significant. A typical NBE case can easily be just as large as the history making record breaking case in a nationally recognized firm that is over 50 years old.
Mutual Fund Families and similar institutions would be able to capture assets in larger order from registered reps in the field with very little resistance when they participate in the NBE.
Reps in the field will be highly motivated to transfer assets to NBE participating institutions and funds on a continuous basis. Moreover once these assets are transferred to NBE participating institutions the chances of those assets being lost to other institutions or funds are slim to none at all. The registered reps in the field will have an unsurpassed level of loyalty to fund families that are NBE participants.
Any mutual fund family that is participating in the NBE will clearly have a significant competitive advantage over those fund families who do not participate.
There is no question the NBE can generate goodwill in the marketplace for participating fund families that could never be achieved through any sort of elaborate marketing or PR campaign.
Investment Banks and broker dealers that participate in the NBE will be the recipient of new business generated by the institutions that are also within the NBE. Trading, execution, and custodial services will be directed in large order to participating NBE investment banks from participating institutions.
The NBE will stimulate an environment by which money managers an similar institutions in the marketplace will be highly motivated to maintain assets with investment banks that are NBE participants.
Money managers and other institutions in the field will ultimately become aware of the fact that they will attract significantly less assets because they are not patronizing NBE investment banks and broker dealers.
Due the competitive nature of the asset management business this new awareness in the marketplace will inevitably drive new business in the direction of NBE participating investment banks and broker dealers. Thereby generating income that would have never been otherwise captured under normal circumstances.
Corporate Issuers looking to sell securities (or raise capital for business operations) can make good use of the NBE through active participation. The NBE Administrator will maintain a calendar with various participating FINRA member broker dealers an investment banks. These calendars will have times and dates set aside for participating corporate issuers to make funding presentations.
Participating corporate issuers will have the luxury of knowing capable investment banks will give them at the very least some undivided attention and vital feedback with respect to getting funded.
Even if a NBE participating corporate issuer does not get funding when they initially present, they would still gain valuable feedback that can possibly be used to make adjustments and re-present for funding at a later date on the NBE Administrator’s calendar.
There lies the true benefits of corporate issuer participation in the NBE, those benefits being; time, attention, feedback and possibly funding from capable and willing investment banks.Client Participants (through the NBE) will have access to a highly engaged a very capable pool of professionals to help them better navigate the many complicated financial considerations in the 21st century economy. Moreover all of these NBE professionals would have committed to a higher standard when doing business with other NBE members. Client Participants will also be able to upgrade their NBE membership to Corporate Issuer status any time they wish to do so.
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