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New Business Rotation


Reps that have participation numbers in the Asset Rotation & Referral Rotation will share in the new business generated by the NBE participating issuers when they obtain funding. New business generated by these companies will be allocated by the NBE Administrator using a three way split.  The first two reps that are next up in the Asset Rotation will each receive 1/3 of the case load, and one rep that is next up in the Referral Rotation will receive 1/3 of the case load generated by a particular issuer that receives funding from an NBE participating investment bank.
Each participating representative will be able to track their place in the New Business Rotations on a password protected designated page only viewable through  the Registered Rep Access section of this web site.
Reps will be identified in the rotation by membership and business lottery drawing numbers only. This way ( to protect privacy) all reps will be able to monitor their place in the rotation without knowing the position of any other reps that are also in the rotation.
Special Note: The participating investment banks will fund transactions on merit and suitability only. No offering will have any value over another. All the NBE administrator is looking to insure is the system is functioning and that professional participants are capturing new business on a continuous basis as a result of what ever deals get funded. (IE it will just be numbers game)
Some reps may be participating on a joint basis. In those cases joint reps will share the assigned participation numbers.

New Business Lottery

In an effort to motivate agents in the field the NBE administrative staff will also hold a periodic New Business Lottery.
The rules are as follows;
1) Each qualifying rep or group of reps will have a lottery drawing number for each fund family they have in the Asset Rotation and Referral Rotation of the NBE.
2) The NBE administrator will keep a count down clock on display for agents in the field to track.
3) Each New Business lottery will be run on 60 day cycles. The countdown will start from there.
4) Narratives about the prize cases will be on display ahead of the drawing in the Agent’s Access section of this website.
5) Agents will then have 60 days to qualify with as many fund families as possible, either through Asset or Referral Rotation.
6) Approximately 72 hours after count down reaches 00.00 the NBE staff will conduct the Business Lottery drawing. Each winner will be selected based on a bingo styled drawing that will be recorded and put on display in the Agents Access section of this website.
7) Agents that win the drawings will be contacted via email by the NBE administrator and put in touch with the customer so they may write the prize business.
Special Notes: Agents that win the lottery drawing and are participating under Asset Rotation will have to re-verify their assets for the NBE minimum requirements before they actually write the new prize business.
All agents will be assigned individual lottery numbers whether they qualified jointly or stand alone.
New Business Lotteries will be held based the availability of prize cases. These prize cases will primarily originate from the NBE Client Participants and Corporate Issuer client pools.  The NBE public liaisons are continuously seeking out potential clients to serve as prize cases for the New Business Lottery. These lotteries will be held as clients of the NBE are captured. There can be no assurance how many NBE clients will be captured and when.
If for whatever reason the winning agent cannot write the prize business the the case will be assigned to agents next up in the Referral Rotation.
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